Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Everything AND Nothing

    I am a night owl and I've been noticed of it since I was in high school. I have no idea of when or where this trait settled with me. I remember in the past we would enjoy sitting and gabbing in nights with siblings for hours. We used to talk about the plans we had for the future,our dreams and the roles we would play in the community.( I have put off all the gossips and critical discourses we had about others!)
    We would move to the kitchen quietly, making a tea and starting the conversation in the very first minutes. The atmospher was excited and full of emotions. Everyone was trying to not missing a single word as if it was a last chance to speak.Although years later we all dispersed around, the memories are still fresh and we often recall those occasions.
   The great chance of growing up within an extended family had lots of advantages as well as disadvantages. It would be silly if we expected to get success in all the aspects of life. The illustrain of the life might not be the same latter. Some unexpected incident might cause a big difference in our life or we may stay as an ordinary person tolerated with all the disappointments we have.
    Passing through my experience, I strongly believe that we must pay the price for our dream, but I need to add the fact that paying a price does not necessarily mean you will get your dream. When you are paying the price,at least you get closer to the gaol, to feel satisfied for the effort and to not having a sense of uselessness.
    I think we are all here on the earth for different reasons, different obligations. Lets say we have appointed if you like. ( nothing religious here nor connected to the eternal world ! ) And I am still wondering if I have recognised the duty I have appointed to !
    When I started writing this post, I was going to talk about my sleeplessness I have got since the last week, but the writing headed to the completely different way ! That's why I will never reach the conclusion ! Never mind ! Writing is like wandering on the streets of a crowded city, you may end up at a cafe or a shopping centre alike, or you get lost for hours ! 

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