Sunday, December 20, 2009

It's raining...!

What's a luck ! My computer broke down.It has been ruined and the more I am trying to repair,the more getting damage...! It seems that I Have To write in English for a while because this computer has no the font I need.

Today was extremely cold.I haven't check the forecast and it doesn't matter really.When I feel cold at home and even I have no courage to take off my socks,it must be very cold.We had some snow and remained on the major pavements all day.The sunshine couldn't melt them easily.

On the news It's quite heavy rain mostly around Iran.The situation is unpredictable. As the hope is rising, the opposite side is planning to control the tough circumstances.They are attempting to take harder actions against oppositions.It is also interesting that they are concerned about extending critical demonstrations and somehow are using soft words to find a better results or to buy a bit more time to survive.

I don't like writing about politics.I was just writing about the weather...! but you can not ignore the forecast because your life depends on,especially when you are living in UK and you've got used to talk about it.

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