Tuesday, March 08, 2011


     I think everybody has his/her fate.I know this is a very old-fashioned word, even meaningless, but I don't know the word which can be substituted for it.I have, any way, my own fate; I'll write about it later.

      For a minute I'd like to close my eyes, stop thinking of everything going around me and to ask myself that what's the most important value of the human being ??!! The only answer crossing my mind immediately is The freedom ! I can't think of anything else.

     The freedom of choosing the language you like to use, the person you love to be with, the teacher you trust, the words you use, the colour of your clothes , the style of your dress, the place you like to stay etc.

      Same as millions of people in the world I feel I'm in a kind of prison. We will finally end up in a sort of prison,I believe.The earth is a huge prison, the love, the family, the religion and the faith could be a prison. Even so, I like to have freedom to enter my very own prison.



Danuta :) said...

HI :)
I like the way how you interpret surrounding us world, you see the things as nobody cannot -you just feel it. well done!!! I am delighted to read it; you have just right point of view.

nasrin said...

به چه می اندیشی ای سراپا همه خوبی؟

Hooshyar said...

thanks so much dear Danuta for your kind words !and for giving me confidence.

farid said...

Hi Hooshyar
Is the deth a happiness gate for freedom of this big prison?or no we will not be released up to the end.

farid said...

correction typos:
death insted of deth.