Wednesday, March 16, 2011


     Once, quite long time ago, I felt that something was strange with my health.I thought it was probably an illness, so that, I booked an appointment with my GP for the first time in the UK. On the day of the visit, unexpectedly I found myself in a difficult situation : I was unable to explain my illness properly ! It wasn't actually my fault. There was a very complicated issue , a mixture of physical and psychological problem.

     However, I started describing my feeling, keep repeating the word " sometimes ". I was telling, for example : " I am feeling dizzy sometimes but it disappears at another time !"  Or : " I have a pain in my chest sometimes but I don't feel it at another time ! " so on and so on.

     The GP was an English lady and was patiently listening to that strange description of the illness. She didn't ask me about more details as doctors do. She checked my blood presure and my chest very quick and said : " That's absolutely normal.We are all the same, sometimes feel bad and sometimes well ! " 

      I was furious by the time and never visited the GP again. I found the problem later though it wasn't fortunately serious. 

     Then I understood that the word " sometimes " had ruined my explanation. I was trying to avoid giving my comment to the GP and trying to be respectful, which was wrong. Here in The West, we need to be more straight, more certain about what we are trying to say. This is a situation we define it as a merciless logical communication in The East.


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