Friday, February 11, 2011

When I was young

     When I was young, in my childish daydreams I would try to draw a clear picture of myself as an adult. Adulthood was like an exciting life to me. It was a perfect adventurous life, full of the great responsibilities with lots of different friends and companions. In my dreams it was basically the symbol of freedom, power and happiness, as most children probably think the same.

     Years later all the dreams melted and disappeared unexpectedly. We saw the incidents which our adults were unable to cope with. We would easily recognise their loneliness and disabilities. We would distinguished the smile was coating a factual fear from the one which was the real and pure.

      Living in the toughest historical circumstances, made our childhood shorter than normal.We were expected to understand and to behave like adults at the age of fourteen or fifteen.Therefore, we had to leave the dreaming time of childhood without finishing at the appropriate time.

     Years passed by, I would feel regret for the adults rather than my dreaming childhood. I still remember living in a house which was one of the most expensive in the town, enjoying ourselves without knowing the fact of our father's bankruptcy. Adults were suffering and we were getting closer to the world of adulthood , the world which wasn't actually a heaven.

     Remembering my childhood daydreams I was asking myself why I have no intention to follow the dreams ?! As an adult, now, I don't like to have a very busy diary of social life, to try to be more powerful or to think of creating more happiness. Instead, I like to reach a peaceful and a quiet life. All my career is about reaching a bit of peace of mind, nothing more.

    ... and why I came across this subject ? ... I don't honestly know !


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